Donkey Foals - the Ultimate "Warm Fuzzies"
donkeys are among the most adorable creatures, and miniature donkey foals are the cutest,
most adorable of all. While there is not a "miniature donkey for sale" sign on
every mini donkey foal, we thought you would enjoy seeing them all. These miniature
donkey foals are the result of thoughtful breeding of our quality, registered miniature
donkey jacks and jennets. In order to produce miniature donkeys of the highest quality,
each mating is carefully planned to strengthen the characteristics of the parents. If you
have specific interest in a particular miniature donkey foal on the way or one on this page,
please let us know. We invite you to visit our donkey brood jennet page where we list which
jennet is bred to which jack and the approximate due date. |