The Great American Miniature Donkey Sale The Great American Miniature Donkey Sale The Great American Miniature Donkey Sale The Great American Miniature Donkey Sale The Great American Miniature Donkey Sale The Great American Miniature Donkey Sale
The Great American Miniature Donkey Sale The Great American Miniature Donkey Sale The Great American Miniature Donkey Sale The Great American Miniature Donkey Sale The Great American Miniature Donkey Sale The Great American Miniature Donkey Sale
The Great American Miniature Donkey Sale The Great American Miniature Donkey Sale The Great American Miniature Donkey Sale The Great American Miniature Donkey Sale The Great American Miniature Donkey Sale The Great American Miniature Donkey Sale
The Great American Miniature Donkey Sale The Great American Miniature Donkey Sale The Great American Miniature Donkey Sale The Great American Miniature Donkey Sale The Great American Miniature Donkey Sale The Great American Miniature Donkey Sale
The Great American Miniature Donkey Sale The Great American Miniature Donkey Sale The Great American Miniature Donkey Sale The Great American Miniature Donkey Sale The Great American Miniature Donkey Sale The Great American Miniature Donkey Sale
The Great American Miniature Donkey Sale The Great American Miniature Donkey Sale The Great American Miniature Donkey Sale The Great American Miniature Donkey Sale The Great American Miniature Donkey Sale The Great American Miniature Donkey Sale
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The Great American Miniature Donkey Sale
2011 ~ Lots 37 through 47

Downloadable Sale Catalog - PDF Format Absentee Bidding The Great American Miniature Donkey Sale

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You are on Lots 37 through 47 now!

Lots 13 to 24 Lots 25 to 36 Lots 37 to 47

To phone bid, please review the information under the button above titled, "Absentee mail-in, Phone & Surrogate Bidding Info", and then call 513-225-1771 to make arrangements!

The Elms Farm Invitational Open House, Sunday, July 31 from 8:30 AM until …
We would like to invite the Great American Sale attendees who currently own miniature donkeys, or who are contemplating purchasing miniature donkeys to attend our Open House at the Elms Farm. Come see our herd, talk ‘donkey’ and just relax. We have a large sorrel herd, and blacks, spots & woollies. We’re about 8 miles from the Sale location and easy to find. If you need directions, just email us or ask us at the Sale.

Important: This is not an invitation for a general public visitation. If you do not currently own miniature donkeys, and are not contemplating miniature donkey ownership and desire to visit the farm for some other reason, please contact us to schedule a separate visit time. Also, if you are local and you are contemplating owning miniature donkeys, please realize we will not be able to provide the level of attention you deserve and therefore request you contact us to schedule a separate visit.

~ Lot #37 ~

Assphalt Acres Jûnko

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Gray-Dun Jennet
Birth: 8-19-09
Height: 31.5” June 2011
Registration MDR #60189
Consignor: Assphalt Acres

Assphalt Acres Ali 45529
30” Light Red


The Red Gate’s Prodigy
31.5” Dark Red


Sunset Acres Slick, 32.5” Dark Red

The Red Gate’s Lady Luck, 32.5” Dark Gray-Dun

Bumpus Farms Blondie II
34.5” Light Red


M&M Red Feather, 32.5” Red

Bumpus Farms Sunny Lady II, 34.5” Gray-Dun

Perfection’s Athena 46545
33” Gray-Dun


Perfection’s Little Tattoo
29.5” Gray-Dun




Half Pint Hill Helen
32.5” Dark Brown


Story Book Willie Wonka, 31.25” Brown

CoCo of Half Pint Hill, 33.5” Dark Gray-Dun

This girl was born early in the morning on the day the Japanese Delegation was visiting ASSphalt Acres. We asked the girls to help us name the baby. Junko is close to Jenny in Japanese, so that's it. It is pronunced June-Ko. Back to the basics with this one. Perfect conformation, beautiful garters on her legs and that classic gray. What a combination!

Richard Warrington


~ Lot #38 ~

Hill’s Haven Della

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Dark Red Jennet
Birth: 7/29/10
Height: 22" at birth
Registration MDR #60129
Consignor: Hill’s Haven

The Elms Eric The Red 27840
30.75” Dark Red


758’s Di Di
33” Dark Red


LCR Valintino 49 (Winchester), 34” Dark Red

LCR Philamena 79, 33.75” Dark Red

Rearview’s Red Synnamon
32.25” Dark Red


Rearview’s Red Beau, 32” Dark Red

Rearview’s Blossom, 34” Red

Rearview’s Red Duchess 34198
33” Red


Rearview’s Red Beau
32” Dark Red


LCR Valintino 50, 32” Dark Red MSF

MGF Venus Miss Geordie 68, 33” Dark Brown

Schrater’s Gusty
32” Gray-Dun


Schrater’s Preacher, 32” Brown/Gray-Dun

Schrater’s Lizzy, 32.5” Gray-Dun

Hill's Haven Della is a beautiful, nice dark red. Her dam is Rearview's Red Duchess of the Red Beau line, and her sire is our long time herd sire, The Elms Eric the Red. She has excellent conformation, with a lot of well known dark red donkeys in her pedigree.

The Downs Miniature Donkey Farm


~ Lot #39 ~

Heiken’s Ark Sachi C

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Light Brown/Gray-Dun Jennet
Birth: 9-19-09
Height: 30 3/8" May 11, 2011
Registration MDR: #59079
Consignor: Heiken’s Ark

Carousel LL Inspector Clouseau 18312
27.75” Light Red Roan


Carousel LL Theodore
28.5” Gray-Dun


Francis’ Jack, NR

Francis’ Grandma, NR

Carousel LL Rosetta
31.75” Light Red/Gray-Dun


Carousel LL Jack of Hearts, 32.75” Gray-Dun


Heiken’s Ark Skye T 52410
31.5” Dark Brown


Heiken’s Ark Top Gun
29” Brown


McLendon’s 45 Magnum, 28.75” Very Dark Brown

Heiken’s Ark Golden, 30.25” Dark Brown

Rolling R Snow White
30.5” White FSW


Bentley’s Paint, 34.5” Brown/White Spot

Garrett’s Jasmine, 32” White

Here is a nice small, 2 year old gray jennet. She is the daughter of Inspector Clouseau, a light red 27 3/4" jack and HA Skye T a 31 1/2" dark brown daughter of HA Top Gun. Her pedigree is peppered with small donkeys. With her with a pedigree that includes Inspector Clouseau as her sire and 45 Magnum in the Dam's pedigree, she would be an asset for most herds.

Myer's Meadows


~ Lot #40 ~

Arcadian Ellen

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Black w/Cross NLP Jennet
Birth: 5-24-09
Height: 32" March 2011
Registration MDR # Pending
Consignor: Arcadian Exotics

BlueGrass Mr. O’Neal 37930
32.5” Black w/Cross NLP


Cobra’s Windancer
32” Dark Brown NLP


Cobra’s Red Man, 30.5" Dark Red 

Cobra’s Sweet Pea, 32.5" Dark Gray-Dun 

BlueGrass Celie
31.5” Dark Brown


M Mobetta, 33.75" Black NLP 

LCR Philamena 82, 34.25" Brown 

Arcadian Ebony 21393
35.5” Very Dark Gray-Dun


Hartman Donkeys Accident
31.75” Gray-Dun


Rainbow’s Blizzard, 32" White FSW 

Hartman Donkeys Lass 13, 32.5" Gray-Dun 

Hartman Donkeys Anna
35.5” Gray-Dun


Hartman Donkeys California, 36" Brown/White Spot 

Hartman Donkeys Lass 04, 33" Gray-Dun 

Arcadian Ellen is a black 2 year old NLP. Her sire, Mr. O'Neal traces to excellent Cobra breeding with red on the upper side of his pedigree carried by Windancer from Red Man. Mr. O'Neal's dam, Celie, is a granddaughter of Circle C Little Motown. Ellen's dam, Arcadian Ebony, has that attractive "steely gray" color and has usually passed on her black face and muzzle. She has a full pedigree of Hartman donkeys and includes the famous "Rainbow's Blizzard".

KZ's Ass-Pirin Acres



~ Lot #41 ~

Hill Country Miniatures Blessing

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Dark Brown Jennet
Birth: 11-11-09
Height: 30.25" March 2011
Registration MDR #58910
Consignor: Hill Country Miniatures

Old West Del Rio 34019
30.5” Brown


Hooves Etc Rascal
32.25” Light Gray-Dun


Rufus of Hooves Etc., 32.5” Light Red

ENE Cactus Flower, 30.25”

Country Music’s Judy Lynn
32.75” Dark Brown


Country Music’s George Jones, 30” Very Dark Brown

Country Music’s Loretta Lynn, 33” Black w/Cross NLP

Itsy Bitsy Burro Co Lorelei 31407
31.5” Brown/Gray-Dun


Itsy Bitsy Burro Co LN Bronson
31.5” Dark Brown


LN Red Sonfire, 31.5” Dark Red

Lazy N Neek, 31.5” Dark Brown

Itsy Bitsy Burro Co Lordus
32.5” Gray/White Spot


Pope Farm Teaspoon, 33.5” Dark Brown

Itsy Bitsy Burro Co Cara, 32.5” Gray/White Spot

Blessing is a small, correct jennet with a deep hip, perfect top line, and a showy presence. She is the half sister of Hill Country Miniatures Poquito, the 2008 National Champion, the 2011 Reserve National Halter Champion, and the grand daughter of Bronson, another National Champion. Her sire is in Europe, so this combination will never happen again. If you want a small, very well bred jennet, here she is!

Myer's Meadows


~ Lot #42 ~

Country Music’s Sarah Darling

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Dark Brown Jennet
Birth: 7-10-10
Height: 21.75" (at birth)
Registration MDR: #59790
Consignor: Country Music Miniature Donkeys

Country Music’s George Jones
11126 MOB
30” Very Dark Brown


Foust’s Spunky
29” Gray-Dun


Knee-Hi Acres Jack, 33” Gray-Dun

Knee-Hi Acres Jennifer, 33.5” Gray-Dun

Foust’s Cocoa
34.75” Brown




The Elms Sunshine 33860
32.5” Light Red


MGF Fiftyfire 519
31.5” Red Roan


The Fireman, 32.5” Dark Red

MGF Venus Creole 43, 32” Red

Windcrest Sunnyside-Up
31” Light Red


Seymour’s Jackson, NR, 32” Red

Seymour’s Sunflower, 32” Red

Sarah Darling has strong, sturdy conformation with very feminine appeal. She is ready to show at halter and lead line obstacle. Her dam has a 4 generation pedigree of well known, small reds, including Fiftyfire & The Fireman. Her sire, George Jones, and her grandsire, Spunky, are both National Champions at Halter. George Jones has sired over 25 National Champions at Halter and Driving in the US, Canada, Europe & New Zealand.

Jack Grove


~ Lot #43 ~

West Prairie Angel

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Brown Jennet
Birth: 6-19-08
Height: 33.5" March 2011
Registration MDR #56768
Consignor: West Prairie Farm

Heiken’s Ark Felix 32268
32” Dark Brown


Heiken’s Ark Top Gun
29” Dark Brown


McLendon’s 45 Magnum, 28.75” Very Dark Brown

Heiken’s Ark Golden, 30.25” Dark Brown

Gardner’s Frona
31.75” Brown


D Dandy Jim Butler, 31.5” Brown

Gardner’s Cheverie, 32” Gray-Dun

West Prairie Amanda 37825
34” Brown


TSC Famous Amos
32” Brown/Gray-Dun


LN Mr Wind Twister Ace, 32” Gray-Dun

TSC Hannah, 34.25” Gray-Dun NLP

West Prairie Amy
36” Gray-Dun


Sebastian’s Cocoa II, 35” Brown

Hartman Donkeys Adair, 34.5” Gray-Dun

Angel has all the great features. She takes after her name. She has a full pedigree of desirable mini-donkeys on both sides. She will make a great mother. She turned 3 in March so she is ready to take home and breed to your sire. Don't let her get away!

Dennis Green


~ Lot #44 ~

Heiken’s Ark Rosabelle P
Bray'n Pool Joe with Cream

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Red Jennet
Birth: 9-03-04
Height: 31.5"
Registration MDR #46045
Consignor: Bray’n Pool Miniature Donkey Farm

Heiken’s Ark Rosabelle P Pedigree

Heiken’s Ark Pink Panther
28” Light Red


Carousel LL Inspector Clouseau
27.75” Light Red Roan


Carousel LL Theodore, 28.5” Gray-Dun

Carousel LL Rosetta, 31.75” Light Red/Gray-Dun

Carousel LL Melita
30” Brown


McLendon’s 45 Magnum, 28.75” Very Dark Brown

SS Melissa, 31.5” Dark Brown NLP

Heiken’s Ark Rosella 35888
31” Dark Brown NLP


Heiken’s Ark Dandy
30.25” Dark Gray/White Spot


Heiken’s Ark Top Gun, 29” Dark Brown

Rolling R Snow White, 30.5” White FSW

Circle C Rozzanna
33.75” Red 


Circle C Red Tape, 33.5” Dark Red

Circle C Rozzie, 33.5” Brown

This small jennet has conformation & personality in one package. She carries Circle C blood on her Dam's side, and the great SS breeding on her Sire's side. With a great foal by her side, she is a buy not to be missed. The foal's sire is Quarter Moon High Plains Drifter, a 33.5" dark brown. Sure to be a great addition to any breeding program, this girl is ready to be the centerpiece of your herd.

Dark Brown Jack
Birth: 5-30-11
Height: 21.5" at Birth
Registration MDR #31860
Consignor: Bray’n Pool Miniature Donkey Farm

Bray'n Pool Joe with Cream Pedigree

Quarter Moon High Plains Drifter 31860
33.5" Dark Brown


Circle C Red Tape
33" Dark Red


SS Red Lightening, 32" Red w/Cross

Circle C Raspberry Fizz, 34.25" Red

Cact-Ass Muffin
32.5" Gray-Dun


Pete's Pistol Pedro, 32.25" Gray-dun

Someday's Totina, 33.5" Brown/Gray-Dun

Heiken’s Ark Rosabelle P 46045
31.5" Red


Heiken’s Ark Pink Panther
28” Light Red


Carousel LL Inspector Clouseau, 27.75” Light Red Roan

Carousel LL Melita, 30” Brown

Heiken’s Ark Rosella
31” Dark Brown NLP


Heiken’s Ark Dandy, 30.25” Dark Gray/White Spot

Circle C Rozzanna, 33.75” Red

Larry Walker


~ Lot #45 ~

Ass-Pirin Acres Licorice

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Black Jennet
Birth: 5-08-10
Height: 22" (at birth)
Registration MDR # Pending
Consignor: Ass-Pirin Acres

Arrow Creek Keno 40346
32” Black w/Cross


Arrow Creek Hudini
30” Dark Brown 


McLendon’s 45 Magnum, 28.75” Very Dark Brown 

DLE Angel, Gray-Dun 

Arrow Creek Annie Oakley
33” Brown/Gray-Dun


McLendon’s 45 Magnum, 28.75” Very Dark Brown 

NLC Calamity Jane, 32.5” Gray-Dun 

Stoney Acres Le Rya 52435 30.5” Very Dark Brown NLP 


29.75” Very Dark Brown 


Dodge City Jack of Spades, 31.5” Black w/Cross NLP 

MGF Venus Daffodil 51, 33” Brown 

Stoney Acres Courtney
Dark Brown 


Circle C Chevez, 34” Brown 

Gardner’s Angie Grant, 30” Brown 

Keno always puts good bone on his foals and Licorice is no exception. She's a well built girl with style and sweetness. If you like drafty blacks, you will like this one.

Ponderosa Donkey Farm


~ Lot #46 ~

Ravenwood Natchez
Old Lawson Easter
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Dark Brown Jennet
Birth: 2-22-04
Height: 33.25"
Registration MDR #40395
Consignor: Old Lawson Farm

Pedigree of Ravenwood Natchez

L Lipps Zeus II A-3915
31.5” Brown


L Lipps Zeus
31.5” Brown




Zena, NR
32” Dark Brown




Highland Meadows Esther
33.5” Dark Brown NLP


Flight of Fancy Logan
33.5” Dark Brown NLP


EA Toby, 33.5” Dark Brown

Merry-Go-Round’s Adrianne, 33 7/8 Brown

Highland Meadows Hanna
34” Dark Brown NLP


Flight of Fancy Logan, 33.5” Dark Brown NLP

Highland Meadows Peanuts, 35.5” Brown

Natchez is a very nice dark brown daughter of Zeus II, out of Highland Meadows Esther. Her foal, "Easter" is by Hill Country Miniatures Liberty. Liberty is coal black, was the 2003 Texas State Fair Grand Champion, and has also won NMDA Championships. He was used as Hill Country's herd sire for several years. Natchez sells open to breed to your jack.

Brown Jack Foal
Birth: 4-24-11
Height: 20" at birth
Registration MDR #pending
Consignor: Old Lawson Farm

Pedigree of Old Lawson Easter:

Hill Country Miniatures Liberty, 32" Black, 32445


Miller's Mr. Spock
33" Dark Brown & White Spot


Hartman Donkeys Pete, Spotted

SS Shannon, 31.25" Brown/Gray-Dun

Someday's Feliciana
33.75" Brown


Cavern's Jack, NR, Brown

Cavern's Jennet, NR, Brown

Ravenwood Natchez
33.25” Dark Brown


L Lipps Zeus II
31.5” Brown


L Lipps Zeus, 31.5” Brown

Zena, NR, 32” Dark Brown

Highland Meadows Esther
33.5” Dark Brown NLP


Flight of Fancy Logan, 33.5” Dark Brown NLP

Highland Meadows Hanna, 34” Dark Brown NLP



~ Lot #47 ~

The Elms Preta

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Black NLP Jennet
Birth: 6-27-10
Height: 29.25" June 22, 2011
Registration MDR #60900
Consignor: Elms Farm Miniature Donkeys

PWF Geronimo 48054
31” Dark Brown/White Spot


Brasstown Brayer’s Chippewa
33.5” Brown/White Spot


PMF Dark Moon Walker, 31.5” Dark Brown NLP

Brasstown Brayer’s Heather, 33.5” White FSW

PMF Little Minarta
32” Brown/Gray-Dun


Pheasant Meadow Charlie Bandito, 32.5” Dark Brown

Hartman Donkeys Little Gem, 32” Brown

MGF Just A Prima Donna 490
32.75” Black


MGF Prime Time
30.5” Black/White Spot


Dewey Meadows Primo, 32” Dark Brown/White Spot

MGF Venus Dark Damsel 717, 31.25” Brown

MGF Venus Bai Jetha 738
31.5” Black w/Cross


Dodge City Jack of Spades, 31.5” Black w/Cross NLP

MGF Venus Bai Brecca 52, 31.5” Brown

Preta means pretty, and she certainly is. She is a lovely, true black jennet with a nice full pedigree. Her sire, Geronimo, is a very bold spot and her grandsire on her dam's side, Prime Time, is known for siring smooth, well built donkeys, like Preta. She is very special in all black. You'll enjoy admiring this pretty jennet in your fields while you enhance your black and spotted programs!

Tom Krueger


To phone bid, please review the information under the button above titled, "Absentee mail-in, Phone & Surrogate Bidding Info", and then call 513-225-1771 to make arrangements!

Vendors at the Great American Miniature Donkey Sale will be:

1) The Donkey Store (gift items, tack)

Downloadable Sale Catalog - PDF Format Absentee Bidding The Great American Miniature Donkey Sale

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You are on Lots 37 through 47 now!

Lots 13 to 24 Lots 25 to 36 Lots 37 to 47

Click here to email Elms Farm Miniature Donkeys!

Martha & Dowell Howard
5600 Bethany Road
Mason, Ohio  45040-9245
(513) 398-3341

~ Contents ~

Miniature Donkeys For Sale

Farm, Ag, Donkey Items For Sale

Miniature Donkey Herd Sires

Miniature Donkey Brood Jennets

Our Miniature Donkey Foals

The Great American Miniature Donkey Sale  7/28/07  The Great American Miniature Donkey Sale   The Great American Miniature Donkey Sale  7/28/07

Why Buy Miniature Donkeys Here?

Miniature Donkeys Sold

Around the Miniature Donkey Farm

Where in the World is The Elms Farm Miniature Donkey Farm?

The Elms Farm Miniature Donkeys

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